
Der größte Teil aller Leder wird heutzutage für Schuhe verarbeitet. Ein Schuh aus Leder hält einfach lange, sieht gut aus und tut unseren Füssen gut. Das Leder für Schuhe muss sehr viel aushalten können, und soll auch noch nach Jahren gut aussehen. Wir wissen ja alle, dass nur ein schöner Schuh unsere Garderobe glänzen lässt.

Schill+Seilacher bietet für alle Arten von Schuhen die ideale Lösung. Selbst die Schuhe für Feuerwehrleute sind fast immer aus Leder gemacht, in dem sich unsere Produkte finden. Wanderschuhe sind wasserfest und lassen trotzdem die Feuchtigkeit gut entweichen, Damenschuhe sind leicht und weich und zumeist sehr schick, und ein lässiger Business-Schuh aus Rauleder für den Mann soll sich gut aufbürsten und einfach reinigen lassen. Und bei Kinderschuhen im Besonderen wollen wir alle sicher sein, dass zum Beispiel keine gefährlichen Stoffe wie Chrome VI im Leder zu finden sind. Selbst dafür haben wir Produkte, die sowas zuverlässig verhindern. Das garantieren wir sogar mit unserem guten Namen.
Sie sehen, wir kennen uns aus. Gehen Sie den Weg mit uns; Ihre Schuhe sind in guten Händen!

Derugan GT

Composition: Aqueous copolymer dispersion
Active Substance: 34 - 38%
Charge: anionic
pH: 3,5 - 6,5
Appearance: Homogeneous , milky emulsion
Short Description: Defect levelling and grain-tightening agent for leather surfaces. Applicable in chrome floats.

Derugan NB

Composition: Aqueous acrylic copolymers
Active Substance: 33 - 37%
Charge: anionic
pH: 6,0 - 8,0
Appearance: Yellow-brown, slightly turbid liquid
Short Description: Retanning agent based on polymers to improve grain-tightness and fullness. Recommended for retanning of waterproof shoe upper leather.

Derugan NF

Composition: Maleic acid styrene copolymer ammonium salt
Active Substance: 18 - 22%
Charge: anionic
pH: 7,0 - 9,0
Appearance: Yellow, turbid liquid
Short Description: Retanning agent based on polymers to improve fullness and tightness of the grain – especially in the loose parts of the skin. Gives a light and fluffy leather character. Recommended for use in waterproofing processes.

Derugan NG

Composition: Maleic acid styrene copolymer sodium salt
Active Substance: 33 - 37%
Charge: anionic
pH: 7,0 - 9,0
Appearance: Yellowish, turbid liquid
Short Description: Retanning agent based on polymers to improve fullness and tightness of the grain – especially in the loose parts of the skin. Gives a firmer leather character and is recommended for retanning of waterproof shoe upper leather.

Ukatan 24

Composition: Glutaraldehyde solution
Active Substance: 23 - 27%
Charge: -
pH: 2,0 - 5,0
Appearance: Clear liquid
Short Description: Pre-tanning and retanning agent for all types of leather.

Ukatan AG

Composition: Formulated dicyandiamide resin
Active Substance: > 94 %
Charge: anionic
pH: 8.5 - 10.5
Appearance: Fine, light beige powder
Short Description: Resin for the retannage of chrome-leather to improve fullness and to fill loose parts of the hide or skin. Recommended for use in waterproofing processes.

Ukatan GA

Composition: Naphtalene-free condensate-product
Active Substance: > 92 %
Charge: anionic
pH: 5.0 - 8.0
Appearance: Yellow-brown powder
Short Description: Dispersing agent for vegetable tanning agents and resins. Levelling agents for even dyeing and good penetration of the dyestuff. Conditioner used in synthetic pre-tanning.

Ukatan INF

Composition: Phenolic condensates with natural additives
Active Substance: 93 - 98 %
Charge: anionic
pH: 3.0 - 5.0
Appearance: Yellow-brown powder
Short Description: Multi-purpose replacement syntan to improve grain-tightness and fullness of the leather.

Ukatan MD

Composition: Melamine based resin with inorganic fillers
Active Substance: > 94 %
Charge: anionic
pH: 9.0 - 11.0
Appearance: Light beige powder
Short Description: Resin for the retannage of chrome-leather to improve fullness, for firmer leather. Recommended for waterproof shoe upper retanning.

Ukatan NR

Neutralisationsgerbstoff und Färbereihilfsmittel. Download Produktinformation

Ukatan PRE

Composition: Sodium aluminium silicate
Active Substance: > 90%
Charge: -
pH: 10,0 - 12,0
Appearance: White powder
Short Description: Aluminium-based tanning- and retanning agent. Improves chrome exhaustion when used at the end of chrome tanning. Aids penetration, distribution and fixation of dyestuffs.

Ukatan SLH

Composition: Phenolic based syntan
Active Substance: > 93 %
Charge: anionic
pH: 3,0 - 5,0
Appearance: White to off white powder
Short Description: Multi-purpose white syntan with excellent light fastness and heat resistance. Especially recommended for white and pastel shade leathers. Does not bleach the colour of dyed leather but enhances the brightness.