
Immer mehr Leder ist in unseren Autos zu finden. Ob Lenkrad, Sitze, Armaturenbrett, Armstütze oder in den Türen – wir wollen uns wohlfühlen und sicher sein, dass das Leder lange hält, dass es geruchsneutral ist, keine Emissionen von sich gibt, dass es nicht abfärbt, leicht zu reinigen ist und sich dennoch weich und geschmeidig anfühlt.

Gerade für Autoleder gelten heutzutage die allerhöchsten Anforderungen in Sachen nachhaltiger Herstellung, Alterungsbeständigkeit, Emissionsfreiheit, Geruchsneutralität, Haltbarkeit und vor allem auch an eine umweltfreundliche Entsorgung.

Schill+Seilacher hat dazu übrigens das chromfreie Gerbverfahren mit unseren Derugan Produkten erfunden. Hochwertigste Fettungsmittel im Leder wie Lipsol HP oder Lipsol MSG sorgen dafür, dass auch noch die strengsten Prüfnormen sicher erfüllt werden.

Gute Fahrt voraus also!

Limanol GEW

Composition: Sodium salt of lightfast, modified amino acids
Active Substance: 36 - 42%
Charge: anionic
pH: 7,0 - 9,0
Appearance: Yellow, clear solution
Short Description: Special emulsifying system designed for the production of waterproof leathers. Applicable in wet-processing above pH 4 including the wetting-back of crust leathers. No negative effect on Penetrometer or Maeser values, when used as directed.

Limanol PEW

Composition: Sodium salt of modified fatty acids
Active Substance: 42 - 46%
Charge: anionic
pH: 6,0 - 9,0
Appearance: Yellow, clear to slightly turbid solution
Short Description: Emulsifying system especially designed for waterproof leather production. Applicable in the wet-processing above pH 5, including wetting-back of crust leathers. There are no adverse effects on the Penetrometer or Maeser values, when used as directed.

Perfectol CAR

Composition: Selected hydrocarbons emulsified with hydrophobic additives
Active Substance: 50 - 54 %
Charge: anionic
pH: 6.0 - 8.0
Appearance: Off white emulsion
Short Description: Waterproofing fatliquor for car upholstery leather with high demands to water repellancy and light fastness. Provides very high water-resistance and low fogging values. Imparts excellent softness and a pleasant, silky touch.

Perfectol QX

Composition: Special polymers combined with highly effective silicone-based additives
Active Substance: 35 - 39 %
Charge: anionic
pH: 5.0 - 8.0
Appearance: Off white emulsion
Short Description: Waterproofing compound with filling properties for tight-grain waterproof leathers, satisfying the highest demands for both, waterproofing and leather quality. Excellent water vapour permeability is achieved due to high fibre coating.

Perfectol TT

Composition: Reactive silicones supported by anionic surfactants
Active Substance: 42 - 46 %
Charge: anionic
pH: 6.0 - 8.0
Appearance: Clear pale oil
Short Description: Waterproofing surface shield for grain leather, nubuck and suede. Can be used together with other Perfectols for optimum waterproofing. Imparts a pleasant mellow handle to the leather.